Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hello all! It has been quite awhile since I last posted. Part of me wants to apologize for this, another part of me thinks who actually reads this besides my family anyway, and yet another part of thinks if you are still reading, I guess it wasn't actually away that long anyway.

PS. Can I just take this moment to say that it's April already? Already? Seriously? I am not prepared. I would like to call a do-over. Do-over on January, February and March please. Thank you.

So here I am. Where, you ask? Back in Los Angeles. Lots of things have happened since the 're-entry burn' of coming back from London. Life with my crazy family seems to get crazier around the holidays so escaping back to USC was awesome. The semester has flown by.

In order to catch up here are some highlights/ small bits of insanity that have taken up my time...

One year hernia free :)
Internship at Zucker Productions
Hellions ranked 7th in the Nation
Trip to Montreal to visit Rex
Andrea visiting LA

Spring Break: Disneyland/ Road trip home with Broccoli

Working with Courage Campaign and ImMEDIAte Justice
Step-brother Schuyler getting a golf ball-sized tumor removed from his soft palate

Did I mention Hellions are ranked 7th in the Nation?!?!?

That's it for now. Blog re-vamp coming. Look forward to posts about Hellions, Life after Graduation (unknown), and the other projects I am working on.
