This year living with Rex has been eye opening in several ways. For example, I didn't realize how much of a clean freak that I really was, because I am not the clean one in the family, but then I started having mini panic attacks about dishes and insects. I guess my mother's almost obsessive cleanliness and organization has actually rubbed off on me.
Another thing that is different about living with Rex is that she comes from a totally different place politically from anyone else I have ever really spent any time talking politics with. Considering that my Dad is somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun, and Rex is somewhere to the left of Marx, I guess I am where I always am, somewhere in the middle.
I have never been so entertained by politics though, maybe its because I am getting older and these things actually influence my life, or maybe its because being in college puts these things in the forefront of your mind, either way, its more present now than it was before. I think I am going to give Rex credit for that.
Last night watching the Vice Presidential Debate, I don't think I would have watched the whole thing if Rex wasn't there commenting. Also, Mr. Allmeroth's lectures on fallacies and debates techniques kept filtering through my head. Man was Sarah Palin frustrating. So in honor of that... this made me laugh today.