Ultimate. Being a part of the Hellions this season has been awesome. Awesome! Although we have had some rough patches in adjusting to being one of the best teams in the nation, read Centex, we've managed to pull it through and had a great showing at Sectionals (which I was So Cal Sectionals Coordinator, craziness) Regionals (very cold, but the family came out to watch) to make it to Nationals! The pools for Nationals were just posted today and I am so excited I can barely contain myself. As Balls said, "Focus bubble- popped," which I guess is OK because I just finished my last final today.
It's really nice to be done with classes. Do I know exactly what I am going to be doing this summer yet? No. But that's my project for the rest of this week. That... and working out. And watching my roommate move out to go on a 6 month trip around the world. She is leaving directly from Columbus to South East Asia, crazy woman. I am going to miss her greatly. Her insanity helps keep me sane, for some strange reason. But on the other hand Bambi is moving back in, and that is going to be awesome too.
I guess that is my update for today. More posts to come about Nationals, Studying abroad, and just more randomness from me.
Enjoy this! We certainly did.