Wednesday, July 1, 2009


In my life of infinite procrastination, I can't tell you how many blog posts I have started and then left to mold in that weird inner-blogosphere realm that no one but me gets to see. Besides getting bored of actually writing the words/distracted by small inanimate objects, part of the reason that I haven't posted is that I don't want to be writing mindless drivel. 

Have I done some exciting things since my past post, absolutely. But somehow, I didn't think that those events deserved a blog post. Hmm... introspection on my own self-worth notwithstanding, I think that my irritation with the drivel has mainly come from the rise in popularity of twitter. I really hate the  posts that say every move that they are making. Twitter is a source that can easily let people know information quickly, like the twitter updates of the scores at Nationals. That was a great use of the tool. But as much as I love my friends, I don't need to know that you recently discovered how awesome pickles were again, or that you are visiting you great-uncle and he smells. (Although, previous to my realization of how ridiculous Twitter sometimes sounds, I was guilty of the inane post) I would rather have substance. This video (Thanks to Kyle) articulates my feelings with rather more humor. 

In the past..., oh I don't know how long it's been honestly, since I last posted, we played in Nationals, I watched Rex graduate and leave, I lived with Bambi and Simon (who almost drove me completely insane) and went on a family vacation to visit my Aunt in Hawaii, and Kyle came to visit. All good stuff going on. 

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