Friday, October 9, 2009


Like I said in a previous post, while studying here at QM I am living in the on-campus apartments, which means with 5 other freshers or first years. After doing this once before (dorm vs. apartment, but still) here are some observations.

You know you live with freshmen when...
  • There is a false fire alarm at least once a week that causes an evacuation, usually occurring when I really have to pee or have just gotten in the shower.
  • One room mate accidentally touches the drying dishes and breaks two plates... meaning there are no more plates in the apartment.
  • At least one person staggers in during breakfast with a raging hangover, regardless of the day of week.
  • The bathroom is always awkwardly moist. And who's hair is THAT?!?
  • There are never any clean bowls (besides the lack of plates) because they only eat cereal, canned soup, ramen, or pasta.
  • Someone you have never met, and all of their flat mates, are sitting in your living room when you walk out of the shower in a towel. Nice to meet you too.
  • Your only thought upon going to the bathroom is, "Please dear Lord, let there be toilet paper."
  • ... and if there isn't toilet paper... "What the $#@&% do I use now?"
  • You open the microwave, see amazing amounts of 'waved-on gook, take an experimental sniff,  and think, "What IS that?" And then decide whether or not it will taint the food you are trying to cook, and stick it in there anyway. 
  • Milk is a quickly-vanishing commodity. There is never as much as the last time you put it in there. Wait. Which one of these identical containers is mine?
  • Your flat mate updates their facebook status, and you have to decide whether to comment or actually get up and tell them how ridiculous/stupid/funny/unfortunate they are in person. 
  • Everyone gathers in the kitchen because the building heat isn't turned on yet... and the oven leaks heat because someone who used to live here obviously stood on the door at some point. 
  • On Saturday morning you can see several people who did not know the "take your shoes off before you pass out" rule, which is apparently international. Although 'wanker' 'poof' 'git' and 'blow job' are more popular than penises apparently. 
  • Everyone will ask others last names upon first meeting so that they can facebook you the instant they get home. Almost no one can remember 200 names in the first week though.
That's all I have for the moment. But its been interesting taking a small step back in time. There are a couple (well lots) of differences between here and the US. 
  • There are no RA's or anyone watching you all the time. 
  • They can't legally give out condoms. So no candy and condom bucket. (I think that this is silly, because we all know that teaching abstinence doesn't work).
  • Oh, and it's LEGAL to DRINK. Which just furthers the chaos and allows for a bar on campus.

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