Saturday, December 19, 2009

On My List...

Sitting here, this last morning in London, I am suddenly struck by regret. I am also frantically packing and have to run out shortly to run some errands, but all I can think about at the moment is all the things that I didn't get to do while I was here. A person can only fit so many things in.

So I am going to start a list of all things that I wanted to do, but didn't get a chance to. This is mostly for me so that when I do come back, however far away that may be, that I have something to remember what I didn't do last time.

Note: Oxford, Stratford-upon-Avon, Stonehenge, Windsor Castle, Bath, and Warwick Castle are not on this list, because I did those with my mother when I came to London when I was 13.

The List:
The Churchill War Rooms
The Imperial War Museum
The Victoria and Albert Museum
See More Shows, especially see the Old Vic, Young Vic, Royal, Globe, and RSC Theatres.
St. Paul's Cathedral
Hampton Court Palace
Wimbledon (preferably with tennis going on)
A Football match
A Rugby match
See Leeds, Liverpool, Brighton
Visit Nicky and Mike, and see Whitstable in Sunlight, and the Cliffs of Dover
Harry Potter Tour
Scotland; Glasgow, Edinbrough (preferably for the Fringe Festival), and the Highlands
Go to National Parks and hike the moors and dales
Kensington Palace
Hyde Park
Play in an International Ultimate Tournament

I am sure there are more, but that's all I can think of for the moment. But instead of sitting here contemplating (boring) or packing (necessary, but I hate it) I am going to run around getting last minute things and see one last show!

See you all tomorrow!

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