Anyway, after contemplating all the things that have happened in the last week, in some ways it seems like quite a lot has happened, and in others, not so much. I will start where I left off... kind of...
After getting in on Saturday, I was really jet lagged. It didn't quite register how jet lagged I really was until I tried to do something, aka get some groceries. You know when you are so tired that your head seems to float above your body and you wonder why your limbs are moving and have no ability to control your giggling whatsoever? Yeah I was there. Unfortunately the Tesco was not as close to campus as we had been lead to believe. So two hours later, I returned with a few other Americans, groceries in my thankfully remembered reusable bag. Somehow I managed to unload the groceries and totally crashed. 
Tesco is a brand store. This is a Banksy graffiti. Get it?
I don't remember that much of Sunday, because this passed in much the same fashion. Going to get more groceries, sleep, unpacking, sleep, meeting new people, sleep, etc. I think I blogged at some point during this day. Not interesting, but Monday was Orientation... and a total shit show.
Monday was confusing. Queen Mary, despite all the awesome things about them, have not yet really entered the digital age. Enrollment, registration, email sign up, EVERYTHING is on paper. So most of the pertinent information was not really relayed to us at all. I got all ready to go to Orientation (or so I thought) but once out the door, was greeted by hundreds of confused international students. There was induction for international graduate students, orientation for international undergrad students, late orientation something-or-other for other international students and induction orientation for international study abroad students. Hence the confusion. At least I got a free lunch out of it. Tuesday was more of the same, more orientations, explainings, waiting in line, but I was finally part of the University. I have the ID card to prove it, complete with awkward picture.
I am living in the freshman dorms, or flat houses. This is an odd step backwards in time for me because suddenly being a part of awkward meeting people in the building, parties in people's rooms getting shut down by house leaders, no one knowing anyone and building awkward friend groups that last 5 minutes was a part of college that I thought I had gotten past. Apparently not. But my nights most of the week have involved meeting new people and partying a bit. It's been a blast. Odd to be viewed as the 'old fogey' of the group at 21.
My flat mates are really fun though! There are six rooms in the suite style apartment, so I have a sink in my (thankfully furnished) room and we share a bathroom(s) and kitchen. Amber is another American, from Connecticut, (we feel like creepy old people together), Livio is an Italian, Agnes is from Poland, (they are both older but starting their first year) and Faith is from Surrey, and Shea is Irish. It's a really interesting mix of people. I'm learning a lot of new sayings and tidbits everyday.
I will post the touristy pictures and adventures in a separate post. But before I start to do that...
Useful British Tidbits:
- Hob = Stove
- Oyster cards are FAR cheaper than buying paper tickets.
- Beers come in liters (For those of us with low tolerances, this was a problem initially)
- Fire doors are just an extra way to set off the super sensitive alarms
- They walk on the left, get used to the awkward 'which side are YOU going to' when going anywhere.
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