In Sainbury's, the local large grocery store, they have a Mexican food section. It's about as wide as I am. It mostly consists of Old El Paso products, like refried beans. Mostly just the refried beans. They also have tortillas that won't go bad until March and salsa in teeny tiny bottles. Curry is also included in this section for spices. Not Mexican spices people. Also, sour cream? No. Soured cream.
Anyway, the burritos were delicious regardless of their slightly improvised fillings. There were left-overs and today the refried beans were going to go bad... which is what prompted the comment.
My Irish room mate, Shea, had been fascinated by the quesadilla I made. So when I was using the refried beans he was absolutely shocked. "Those are beans? They look like shit. Like shit on a tortilla." This of course launched both Amber (the other American) into a fit of laughing. He whipped out his camera phone and asked, "Can I take a picture of your shit?" He then paused, realizing how awkward that sounded. Took this picture.
It does look like shit at this point in the process. I made him try a bean and cheese quesadilla, very basic, when it was done, to which he replied, "Hot, hot, hot, hot" and then, "Hmmm... passable shit." :)
I love cultural transfer.
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