Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I know that I have complained several times about my flat mates on this blog. And this is why...

These are the dishes that they left out on the counter for other people to clean. They still have food on them, and massive amounts of cigarette ashes. These are communal dishes.

I don't know if I told you all about the Ranch Dressing incident, but here goes. I really like ranch dressing. Especially on pizza and veggies. But they don't have Ranch Dressing anywhere in the country, and nothing even close to it's deliciousness. So when my Mom came to visit she brought me a bottle. I was really excited!

The very next day I got a text from my flat mate Faith, the really nice, clean one, that said, "Just saw Livio eating some of your precious ranch. Drama!" Drama? No kidding. That was my Ranch Dressing that had been in there for one day. He takes my tea, my olive oil, and lots of other things that he thinks won't be missed, and really I don't have actual proof, but I don't worry about it that much because I can replace those things and I'm leaving shortly. But Ranch Dressing was a step too far.

I had a very loud, very pointed conversation with him about respecting other people, their food, and basically called him a dirty, selfish little man. And as you can see with the dishes above, I don't think I was wrong.

But only 11 days until home. So I can deal until then. Especially when I get to see things like this outside my window.

Off to do laundry!


808 said...

Why didn't you just beat his ass. The "Punky" I know don't take no shit.

Katie said...

Beating up your roommate is generally frowned upon. I did yell at him, very pointedly, and he cleaned his shit up. I was satisfied.