Monday, July 21, 2008

Real life is busy


Since I have been home I feel like it has only been nonstop action. I mean you can't really get more action packed than getting home from being in a third world country for 6 weeks and landing right in the middle of crazy drunken beach goers on the 4th of July. And things haven't slowed down since then. 

I went to the Journey, Heart, and Cheap Trick concert last week. I went with my best friend and her family, and some other friends. It was a blast to see different generations enjoying the same thing. Watching her Dad play the fake piano to "Don't Stop Believing" was hilarious. Then I saw Flogging Molly the week after. It was really fun seeing all my friends from high school, although I don't really need to be in a mosh pit again any time soon. I went rafting on the American River with the Bergs, and had a blast. 

I also spent the week alone because the rest of my family decided to peace out for different parts of the country leaving me with Riley and Buddy, the dogs. Riley is small, but Buddy is a large, one-eyed yellow lab who is a hand full. It was an interesting week between the dogs, the bear, and the attempted break-in. Yes, seriously. 

I have also managed to see The Dark Knight 3 times since it's release, which is just slightly ridiculous. I really liked it the first time, and it has not diminished in its entertainment value since then. It does make me think though, which is something that I think all movies should do. It's good. You should see it if you haven't.

More exciting things coming up... LA, New York, Dad's Wedding and school starting. Should be an interesting rest of summer!

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