Sunday, October 11, 2009

My Dad's Favorite Joke

My Dad has told this joke, pretty much ever since I can remember. I always 'got' the joke. But after being here for a bit, it makes even more sense. It is really interesting seeing how people who have always been much closer to 'the Continent' react as well. Example, my Irish room mate almost snorted his juice when I told him.

Despite having to be reminded of the finer details when I Skyped with my father this evening, here it is... (please imagine me gesturing and putting emphasis on all the right words riddled with perfectly-timed dramatic pauses)

Do you know the difference between Heaven and Hell?

Well, in Heaven, the French are the cooks, the Italians are the lovers, the English are the police, the Swiss are the administrators, and the Germans are the mechanics.

In Hell, the Swiss are the lovers, the English are the cooks, the Italians are the mechanics, the French are the administrators and the Germans are the police. 

:) Thanks Dad.

1 comment:

wabbyk said...

haha told that to Hugh recently..