Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Beginning to Feel a Lot Like...

Finals. I know, I know, Christmas.

Somehow in the last couple years Christmas doesn't feel like Christmas until finals are over. Obviously in London this are slightly different than in LA; the weather is different, the school system, lots of things. But somehow that frenetic pace that comes from procrastinating on papers, essays, reviews, exams, whatever all seems to coincide with Christmas shopping, travel logistics, making plans, trying to see every friend and family member, and in general running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Somehow I can't imagine this ever changing.

Next year I won't be in school, (unless something drastic happens and I either have to repeat a year or will have made some plans for grad school, which is not currently in the plans... not that I have a plan, but you know what I mean) and I don't know where I will be living, but the frenetic pace of life that seems to happen around the holiday probably won't change.

I am leaving here in less than two weeks. I don't know how I feel about this. I know that I am ready to go home and see my family and have the holidays and see snow. But somehow I can't wrap my mind around the fact that London is almost over. That being a hop, skip and a jump away from Europe is over. That hearing accents, and bland food, and ubiquitous umbrellas and tube rides and tea is over.

It seems like I will be coming back. Not that I would want to come back to this apartment necessarily. (I think I would kill some of my flat mates if I had to live with them for one day longer than absolutely necessary.) But London I will miss. Next time, I will be a bit more picky about living arrangements if at all possible. Freshers do not make good flat mates, except Faith.

Maybe I am getting nostalgic because I should be writing papers and getting work done and getting Christmas shopping finished and planning how I am going to fit all my stuff into two bags, but instead am blogging, and watching Up! which makes me miss home too.

At the same time as all this thinking, I am looking forward to the next semester. I got an internship for next semester with a film production company (I don't know if I am allowed to say names, yada, yada on the internet, so we will wait on that one) that I am really excited about. And I am taking some acting classes, which I know my father will be happy about, and some playwriting classes, which he will be slightly less excited about, (Hi Dad!) and we are still working out the rest of the schedule.

I am looking forward to seeing my friends, my team mates, and my room mate! And for it not to be quite so damp-cold. And an oven and cooking supplies! (Let's not get ahead of ourselves now Katie.)

I don't think it will feel like Christmas really until I step off the plane and see some snow and actually get to hug my family. But until then, everyone have a wonderful holiday prep season.


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