Friday, September 26, 2008

Tomatoes, Bike Chains and Catching Up

I haven't posted in awhile... Sitting here thinking about it, I don't know exactly why that is. It's not as though I haven't had the 15 or 20 minutes it takes to sit down and write a blog post. It's not as though I haven't been intrigued, interesting, or even inspired by the things going on around me. I honestly think that it's because I am being lazy. I don't really like thinking that I am lazy person, so I decided to write a post. 

Quick update on my life. I got back from New York, which was an awesome trip. I moved into my apartment in LA, went back home for my Dad's marathon of a wedding, and then came back and started classes. All in all, things are good. I am playing ultimate, directing theater projects, and attempting to learn something new everyday. 

Today, for example, I learned how to clean a bicycle chain by having a conversation in spanish with the guy at the bike shop. I learned that I really need to work on my spanish verb conjugation, because although I can be understood, I sound like a kindergardener. I learned that despite hating them in my youth, and having just a liking for them later, I really do love tomatoes now. I guess taste buds really do change. Cool. 

Tomorrow is practice for Hellions, and Sunday is practice for Inferno... and I am sure I am going to use that as an excuse to procrastinate on writing my papers. But, if I procrastinate enough, maybe I will post again.

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